More actions
- "Open source" decision making
- A simple averaging technique to supplement the Bayes equation
- A straight average algorithm with continuous input distributions, complex trust, and intermediate results
- A trust weighted averaging technique to supplement straight averaging and Bayes
- A voluntary peer-to-peer gift giving economic system
- Aggregation techniques
- Allowing for more than predicate questions in the trust-weighted histogram (TWH) algorithm
- Applications
- Argument Scoring
- Argument evaluation and scoring
- Arrow's theorem
- Attenuation in trust networks
- Avoiding feedback
- Balance between individual liberties and the community
- Bayes and certainty
- Bayesian & non Bayesian approaches to trust and Wang & Vassileva's equation
- Binned and continuous distributions
- Brainstorming 45
- Capital vs. Labor: a theory of society
- Cardinal voting systems
- Civility and battling entrenched bias
- Commentary on technology and feasibility of the ratings system
- Communities and the right to secession
- Community
- Community and libertarianism
- Compensation for participants
- Consensual reality
- Contract as a method to mitigate the basic liberties imposition
- Culture and privacy in a ratings-based society
- Current ratings systems
- Debate
- Deductive & inductive arguments and use cases
- Defining utopia
- Democratizing resource allocation
- Differential privacy, secure multiparty computation, and homomorphic encryption
- Direct democracy
- Economic losses and counterfactuals
- Economic predicates
- Economic systems
- Effect of cycling in trust networks
- Error bars and a problem with Bayesian modeling
- Establish trust
- Exercising the algorithm interface with more complex data types
- Fake identities and ratings
- Freedom of speech
- Government and physical space
- Heuristics and policy-making
- Hippy communes, socialism, work, and egalitarianism
- Hysteresis
- Ideas for encryption in aggregators
- Identity trust in the subjective ratings system
- Influence of wealth in democracy
- Informal logic and fallacies
- Justice and defense in communities
- Libertarian socialism
- Logic
- Main Page
- Moderation and adherence to norms
- Modification to the Sapienza probability adjustment for trust to include lying and bias
- Modification to the Sapienza probability adjustment for trust to include random lying, bias, and biased lying
- Money defined
- Money system based on ratings
- Moneyless economy based on reputation and need
- More argument mapping tools and proposed ideas for our own such tool
- More methods for propositional logic, syllogistic logic, and quantificational logic
- Multi-criteria decision-making methods
- Not be compensated
- Notes on setting up and using the sandbox
- Notes on using the algorithm interface
- Opinion
- Opinion change and propagation
- Optimal income distribution
- Organizations as raters
- Other possible algorithms for calculating binary predicates
- PeerVerity
- Personal choice and sacrificial contributions
- Philosophy of John Rawls
- Political systems
- Polling
- Population distributions and graphical output with privacy
- Post-scarcity defined
- Power distribution as a corollary to income distribution
- Predicate
- Present Value Method
- Privacy, identity, and fraud in the ratings system
- Privacy and fraud
- Privacy differences between the subjective and community ratings system
- Privacy enhancing straight average algorithm
- Privacy in ratings aggregation
- Privacy in the subjective and community-based ratings system
- Productivity
- Prolog for deductive proofs
- Ratings and white-collar crime
- Ratings system
- Rawls and privacy
- Relationship between community members and its policies
- Sapienza trust model derivation showing equivalence with random answers
- Security and hacking issues related to information rating systems
- Self-improvement
- Smart people who get things wrong
- Societal optimization
- Software for argumention -- IBM Project Debater and Carneades
- Software for social and economics modeling
- Steps in policy-making
- Straight average algorithm with continuous input distributions, complex trust, and intermediate results
- System modeling
- Systems thinking
- Technical overview of the ratings system
- Technocracy
- The media, overcoming bias, and making it fun
- The problem of intellectual property (IP)
- The ratings system, human psychology and social dynamics
- The ratings system, the media, and overcoming bias
- The ratings system in light of our current institutional failures
- The subjective and community ratings system
- Thoughts on a privacy preserving, simulacrum resistant identity verification mechanism
- Thoughts on a subjective ratings based economy
- Thoughts on an intentional community with a subjective ratings based economy
- Thoughts on identity
- Thoughts on identity in communities
- Thoughts on symbolic logic to assess the truth of arguments
- Thoughts on trust
- Trust
- Trust-weighted histograms
- Trust/Probability/Population graphs algorithm
- Trust attenuation and the inadequacy of single-value trust factors
- Use case for predicate rating system: Discussion board multidimensional sort
- User education and self-improvement
- User input for continuous distributions and complex trust
- Voting methods
- Weight assignment -- The equal weight method