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Pages in category "Kroki-diagram-tracking-category"
The following 35 pages are in this category, out of 35 total.
- Internal:FromGitlab/A simple averaging technique to supplement the Bayes equation
- Internal:FromGitlab/A trust weighted averaging technique to supplement straight averaging and Bayes
- Internal:FromGitlab/Argument Scoring
- Internal:FromGitlab/Avoiding Feedback
- Internal:FromGitlab/Bayesian Bayesian & Non Bayesian Approaches to Trust and Wang & Vassileva's Eqn
- Internal:FromGitlab/Calculations for the two trust factor algorithm
- Internal:FromGitlab/Dan's proposal for trust weighted histograms
- Internal:FromGitlab/Exercising the algorithms py interface with more complex data types
- Internal:FromGitlab/Ideas for encryption in aggregators
- Internal:FromGitlab/More algorithms for the interface
- Internal:FromGitlab/Network Traffic Analysis for Demo Network
- Internal:FromGitlab/Notes on the interface and some thoughts on evaluating arguments
- Internal:FromGitlab/Notes on using Lem's algorithm interface
- Internal:FromGitlab/Other possible algorithms for calculating binary predicates
- Internal:FromGitlab/Population Distributions
- Internal:FromGitlab/Trust in Argument Scoring and Rhetorical vs Practical Arguments
- Internal:FromGitlab/Wiki Test